1. The executive body of King Fahd National Library in publishing.
2. Holds the developing plans for the publishing and printing programs.
3. Preparing the special guidance of authors and researchers in the preparation of information sources in terms of efficiency and publication of evidence, and by preparing text for printing.
4. Implementation of the list of publication in the library.
5. The responsibility of the administrative and technical supervision of the programs, publishing and printing
6. Assets and determine the validity of technical texts for publication.
7. Editing of assets and the application of international standards writing for publication rules, in particular as follows:
CAS, terminology, scientific nomenclature, abbreviations, units, margins, order of references and completeness of its elements, and degree titles percent, grammar, document drafting, punctuation, spelling, current titles, bibliographic data.
8. Print material specifications depending on the nature and quality of the container including: cutting, collection, printing, binding.
9. Printing of information sources.
10. Marketing prints of King Fahd National Library inside and outside the Kingdom.
11. Participating with the Library publications in domestic and foreign exhibitions and events.
12. Ensure of the availability of the required formalities in the formulation and revision of linguistic materials.
13. Printing periodic reports on the activities and achievements of the department and submitted to His Excellency the Director General.